
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Word Mail Merge

Word Mail Merge
一、     ExcelCompany information
二、     Word
1.       Open Word 2007office ButtonNew→輸入“Notice”→“Letter notifying customer of past due bill”→Download
2.       填寫自己的信息。
3.       MailingsSelect RecipientsUse Existing ListOpen製作好的“Company information
4.       Highlight [Recipient Name]Insert Merge Field→選擇NamePreview Results
5.       Highlight [Title]RulesIf…Then…Else
1)      Field name = Gender; Equal to M; Insert this text = Mr. ; Otherwise insert this text = Ms.
6.       Highlight [Company Name]Insert Merge FieldCompany
7.       Highlight [Street Address]Insert Merge FieldStreet Address
8.       Highlight [City, ST ZIP Code]Insert Merge FieldCity Zip Code
9.       下面一行→Insert Merge FieldTel.
10.  Highlight [Recipient Name]Insert Merge Field→選擇Name
11.  Finish & MergeEdit individual DocumentsAllOK